Drama movies (7)
Mister Buddwing (USA, 1965)
Atmospheric and intriguing film in which James Garner is an amnesiac stumbling around a hostile New York
Rating: 6/10
Tuff Turf (USA, 1984)
Lesser-known 80s teen drama in which no-one is an actual teen—with early roles for James Spader and Robert Downey Jr
Rating: 6/10
Getting Married in Buffalo Jump (CAN, 1986)
Gentle, meandering film about love, life, coming home and starting over
Rating: 6/10
Dark Side of the Sun, The (SERB, 1987)
Brad Pitt is dying of porphyria, but still finds time to romance an American tourist in Yugoslavia
Rating: 4/10
Split Decisions (USA, 1988)
There have been some great films about boxing; this is not one of them
Rating: 3/10
Fire on the Amazon (USA/PERU, 1993)
Dull Roger Corman exploitation film with Sandra Bullock as an eco-warrior investigating a murder in Bolivia
Rating: 1/10
Timecode (USA, 2000)
Four interlinked stories are presented in real-time split screen to varying effect
Rating: 7/10